FREE eBook – Sophia’s Eats RRP $19.95

A Parents Guide to Toddler Health and Vitality

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I am sure you will love my eBook Sophia Eats – A Parents Guide to Toddler Health and Vitality.
This e-book is a result of everything I have learnt about toddlerhealth, both professionally and personally over the last few years. I studied paediatric nutrition, implemented all my food knowledge and spent many hours in the kitchen.

Included in my eBook, Sophia Eats;

Sophia and my favourite recipes, tried and tested and proven successful!
7 day diet diary template with portion suggestions
top 10 things nobody told you about being a parent
my top tips for fussy eaters and frustrated parents
top 8 nutrients for a growing toddler
5 food mistakes even smart parents make
how to become a food detective
is your toddler getting enough nutrition?
10 foods to ensure better behaviour
foods to help your toddler sleep
quick & healthy family breakfast ideas
my top 6 nutrients for toddlers – what is the research saying?

At Studio You we have 2 areas of specialty

Women’s health – including but not limited to hormone imbalances, PCOS, endometriosis, thyroid issues, weight loss, pregnancy, breast feeding, adrenal depletion, menopause, fatigue, autoimmune conditions and anything else that may affect a woman throughout her lifetime.
Paediatrics – let it be said, we love babies and children to the moon and back! We can help your little one with poor immunity, gut issues such as reflux, constipation, food intolerances, ezcema and anything else that affects them. We treat children of all ages and sizes!
With our exceptional team of industry game changers, we can help you and your family (including men!) find long lasting, exceptional health.