What does naturopathic medicine mean to you? At Studio You, I pride myself on breaking down the myths surrounding naturopathic medicine. While I do focus on natural remedies and natural health solutions, this is provided within an integrated framework of functional medicine and collaborative care,

This means I aim to identify the underlying cause of your symptoms, and address them using gentle and natural modalities, for lasting health. I will work collaboratively with your medical and allied health practitioners to create a team all working towards a common goal.

Far from distancing ourselves from conventional medicinal services, I incorporate a variety of functional medical tests to investigate each client. Using a scientific base, I can then tailor the most effective naturopathic services plan to suit you.

Our Naturopathic Services Vision

My focus on natural health and wholistic medicine is catered to you as an individual. I promote individually designed treatment plans, stress reduction tools, and naturopathic medicine that works with your body to get you back to full health.

With years of experience, I am constantly evolving and adapting my naturopathic services, and ensuring I am meeting the needs of my clients regardless of their health concerns.

The Benefits Of Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathy is the blending of natural medicines and lifestyle strategies to find the root cause of an illness, and address it. Naturopathic medicine looks at the broader picture of an illness, focusing on the underlying drivers as well as the symptoms, to design a protocol that will treat the illness as a whole, not simply alleviate the symptoms. I will be with you every step of the way to ensure you get the results you deserve.

Studio You is committed to providing you with a natural health service that is not only effective but safe and completely non-invasive. If you’re ready to reap the health rewards that come with advanced naturopathy, call today and speak to our friendly admin team.


Are you ready to discover your pathway to health?

I recognise there are many drivers for your current state of health. Perhaps it’s your diet, your gut health or your exposure to chemicals. I usually find there is never one single thing making you feel unwell, it’s a complex combination of factors, just like a complex jigsaw puzzle. It’s my job to be a detective and find the underlying drivers.

I like to use the analogy of a tree – with the leaves representing your symptoms, and the roots are all the drivers of your health. At Studio You I always aim to find out the root cause of your health issues, as treating them results in vibrant, long-lasting health. I feel honoured to partner with you, educate you and support you all the way through your health journey.

Emma was an absolute godsend after months of ineffective medical treatment for a nasty parasite and stomach infection that I contracted whilst travelling. She is incredibly ge...
Mecki Dent
I’ve had low energy and poor digestion for so long it just felt normal. I’d known Emma for years and trusted her level of expertise would help me finally get to the bottom...
Joanna Mitchell
Before working with Emma I was mentally and physically exhausted… I was eating healthy food the majority of the time, but was working too much, was stressed out and kept ge...
Shandra M
I first saw Emma for fertility and hormonal imbalances. She helped me through my pregnancy, supporting my nutrition and after having an amazing natural birth and very healthy ...
Marissa Mills
Emma is always warm and approachable, and listens intently to your situation. She asks astute questions to clarify and then finds natural solutions to heal and improve. She ha...
Sonja Ginter
Emma helped change my life – literally. I went to Emma after three years of no luck with Dr’s and specialists trying to work out what was wrong with me. My family even tho...
Anne Egan
Emma has opened my eyes to how my body works and what it’s weaknesses are. With her help I am feeling a bit more in control of my body and life. There is still a long way to...
Georgia Donovan
Brenton and I have been in treatment for SIBO with Emma Sutherland. We both contracted SIBO overseas after ongoing dysbiosis and parasite problems. We looked malnourished, wer...
Monique Lyle
Emma has been treating me for a couple of years now and I am overjoyed that I found her. She has been helping me with my stress and hormonal imbalances. Emma’s extensive kno...
Aphrodite Ioannou

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