Going Green

Going Green

Going green can mean many things to many different people. When I was growing up, ‘going green’ meant that you sorted your trash and took your recycling to the depot yourself. After that, “going green” meant switching to unleaded petrol, then no longer using CFCs....
Breakfast Brainstorm

Breakfast Brainstorm

The second most popular question in my house is “what do you want for breakfast?”. Luckily, pleasing the two adults in my house at breakfast is not too difficult. It is usually easy to find something quick, simple, and most importantly, nutritious. So often in clinic...
Protein – Power or Phased out Fad?

Protein – Power or Phased out Fad?

Protein has been getting a fair bit of press lately. Despite the saying “no such thing as bad press”, things aren’t looking that great for this macro-nutrient. From Spirit Junkies such as Danielle La Porte musings to the widely popular Huffington Post article , it...
Immune Health: From A-Zinc

Immune Health: From A-Zinc

Winter is well and truly here. It’s dark when many of us leave the house in the morning on our way to work, uni, or starting the morning school drop. Likewise, by the time many of us are wrapping up at the office (or the kitchen table!), or picking up the kids from...

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