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There’s no denying it, children are stressful, but of course, that doesn’t mean we love them any less. However, wouldn’t it be nice if they were a little bit calmer? Yes of course! Thankfully, we’ve put together some tips for mums and dads on how to have calmer children.
A lot of the time the type of behaviour children are showcasing isn’t deliberate, such as aggression or frustration, or hyper behaviour. It often tends to be a way for your child to assert themselves when they can’t find the right words to describe how they are feeling. But rather than throwing a tantrum or acting out, it’s important you child learns there are other ways to express their feelings. It’s up to you to guide them in managing their impulses, emotions and much more.
1. Help them work out what they are feeling
If your child is acting out, or acting hyper or simply acting out of control, then sit them down and directly ask them what the problem is. Just like adults, young children have a variety of feelings and they need to know how to label and manage those feelings.
2. Give your kids a routine
A hungry or tired child is never going to be a calm child. Whilst you can’t control every aspect of your child’s life, you can ensure consistency in snack and nap times. Try and plan your daily schedule so it doesn’t interfere with usual meal times. Children are more likely to be crabby if their basic needs aren’t being met.
3. Operate a zero-tolerance policy
Under no circumstances tolerate aggressive behaviour in any way, shape or form. As with all aspects of parenting, consistency is key. The only way to prevent your child from being aggressive is to make a House Rule that aggression is not acceptable.
4. Use techniques
From meditation for kids or child yoga, encourage and embrace practices that will help children manage their emotions such as those inspired by naturopathy. Try doing these activities with your children, so you all learn how to be a little bit calmer.
Follow these tips and you’ll be on the road to calmer children. Don’t feel too frustrated if these techniques don’t work straight away. Patience and consistency is key to making real changes to behaviour.