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There’s nothing like waking on the 1st January with a severe hangover, a bloated stomach, several new pimples and a hazy memory of the last 4 weeks! You may have had an awesome festive season, but no doubt your body will be paying the price.

We all know January is the perfect time for New Year resolutions, weight loss programs, gym memberships and new health/fitness goals. But, what if there was also a faster way boost your vitality?

Enter……. IV Infusions!

Although it’s been around since the mid 1950’s, vitamin drip therapy isn’t very well known to the general public. It’s not much of a secret to Hollywood’s top celebrities, though – Simon Cowell, Cindy Crawford, Geri Halliwell, Madonna, Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, and Kate Upton have all spoken highly of the treatment.

Like most medications given intravenously (antibiotics, for example), IV infusions are more powerful, because the vitamins and minerals bypass the gut and go right where they need to be – directly into the bloodstream.

With IV nutrients, we can place the nutrients straight into the bloodstream, ‘filling the tank’ to help the body heal, which has great benefits for the immune system, adrenal glands and so forth.

Studio You has teamed up with Sydney’s leading vitamin IV therapy company Drip IV to give clients the opportunity to sit back, relax and be re-vitalised by vitamin IV treatments.  Qualified and highly skilled nurses are available on selected days to administer IV vitamin therapy in the comfort of our clinic
(Our clinic re-opens on 3rd January – book  your IV Drip online here >> or by calling 1300dripiv (1300 374 748)

New Year Hangover Cure

We offer a number of vitamin infusions (get the full list here >>) and recommend the following for the ULTIMATE hangover cure:

Recover – $249 – helping to rehydrated the body, flush out toxins, restore nutrients lost during a night (or season!) of drinking. Our formula includes anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medications to provide fast relief so you’ll be back to feeling normal in no time.

Hydroboost $149 – another solution for instant hydration. It contains 1 litre of Hartmanns Solution, which is an isotonic solution that has been a mainstay therapy for dehydration and detoxification in the ER for many conditions. This can be personalised with different vitamin boost injections to optimise your individual needs. Hydroboost hydrates muscles, replenishes electrolytes and boosts mental clarity through hydration.

Glow $249 – helping you banish those pimples and glow from the inside out. This antioxidant packed infusion is a nutrient dense cocktail that supports strong healthy hair + nail growth, skin hydration and collagen formation.

The Ultimate $299 – an All-in-One powerful drip containing high strength doses of antioxidants, amino acids and nutrients to boost the immune system, increase energy levels, improve mood, boost metabolism, support fertility levels and contribute to healthy hair, skin and nails.

Our clinic re-opens on 3rd January – book  your IV Drip online here >> or by calling 1300dripiv (1300 374 748)

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